Thursday, June 14, 2012

Why Carbohydrates are not the Bad Guy

Carbohydrates are your body's "go to" source for fuel.  Your brain is designed to ONLY run on glucose, which is supplied from the carbohyrates you eat.  Your muscles depend on carbohydrates to keep you pushing through your practice, game or workout. 

And no, don't head to the cookie, cake or local donut shop....I am not talking about those carbohydrates.

I am talking about the carbohydrates found in your fruits, starchy vegetables, dairy products and grains.

Carbohydrates are long chains of glucose (sugar) molecules strung together.  Your muscles can use the glucose from the broken down carbohydrates 3 times quicker than energy from fat.

That is why you do not want to take your youth hockey player to eat at a quick fast food place inbetween games, or order a pizza at the rink when you have an 1 1/2 hrs between games.  A fatty meal before a game or practice will make your legs feel like lead.

So go load your refrigerator with fresh fruits, dairy and starchy vegetables, and your pantry with whole grains.

My sons usually have pasta with red sauce or some homemade potato soup 2-3 hrs before practice.

Happy skating!!

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