Saturday, June 23, 2012

It's 4:45am Do You Know Where Your Coffee Is???

Good Morning Everyone!
It is tryout day for our Jr. Pirate Travel team in Greenville, NC.  I am happy to announce we were able to field a Bantam team this year!!! Yeah! So those kids get to sleep in, their day was June 10th.  Today it is the Squirts and the Pee Wees time.  I have a second year Squirt and second year Pee Wee that I must wake soon, time is: 5:42am.  We have to be at the rink by 6:45am at the latest, my Squirt must be on the ice by 7:20am.  My Pee Wee skates at 8:45am.

We all know how nervous our skaters get, but what about the parents??? Are there any other parents that wake before the alarm in fear of the alarm not going off??? I know I can't be alone.

So here I sit at my kitchen table, coffee at my side, and two cats that think I  am starving them because they don't like their food.

I must go wake my rapidly growing little boys.  Time for waffles, fruit and chocolate milk, and power bars packed for the Pee Wee before his skate time.

So good luck to all the other Travel Ice Hockey players out there that may be trying out today or soon.

Get a good night sleep, eat a great dinner, a great breakfast, drink your good fluids and most importantly:  STAY POSITIVE!!!! Your brain is the most powerful piece of equipement you have on the ice (some may differ) but this Hockey Mom has seen time and time again how positive thinking helps my little guys. ( yes, they are still little to me at 5'10" my sons haven't broken the 5' mark, so I can say "little" probably just one more season :-)

Have a great weekend everyone!!


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