Sunday, May 13, 2012

Hockey Fueling Basics

Fueling for Hockey

The ECHA Jr. Pirates Pee Wee team from Greenville, NC
  during their chapionship game
played in Charleston, SC  March 2012
They won!!!

Carbohydrates are the body’s best source of fuel. Hockey players need good quality carbohydrates.

            - Fruits

            - Vegetables

            - Whole grains

            - Cereals

            - Milk

Carbohydrates give the player fuel for the practice/game and help refuel muscles after a practice/game allowing the muscles to recover with minimal soreness, and packing glycogen in the muscles for the next time on the ice.

Hydration is key.  If your player is thirsty he/she is already 5% dehydrated, not a way to go into a practice or a game. 

Hydration begins the day before. Choose water and 100% fruit juices.  You can mix the fruit juice ½ and ½ with water to decrease the sweetness.

Children require 5- 8, 8 oz glasses of water a day.  Workout days will increase the need.

Hockey players can lose several pounds of fluid weight during a practice/game.  Taking small sips throughout practice/game will help the player feel more energized, focused and reduce muscle cramping. 

3-4 Hours prior to practice:

Peanut butter and banana sandwich with chocolate milk

Yogurt smoothie with fruit and a granola bar

Any kind of pasta with red sauce or meat sauce with milk

Lean hamburger with lettuce and tomatoes and milk

Pancakes, fruit and milk

Waffles, fruit and milk, or yogurt

Pre-practice fuel 30-60 minutes prior to practice:

Fruits (banana, orange, grapes etc)

Fruit gummies

Sports drink

Jam sandwich (yes, only jam, fats are not readily available for energy)

After practice foods to refuel the muscles:

Oatmeal cookies and low fat chocolate milk

Fruit yogurt

Crackers and peanut butter and sports drink

Fruit and nuts

Sports bar

You want your player to eat something within 45 minutes of completing their workout.  This is the ideal time to refuel to build muscle and pack in glycogen.  Carbohydrates and a small amount of protein are needed, not a big greasy meal.

The reason you see milk so much is this:

Milk is a great source of protein, carbohydrates and calcium.  Choose low fat, the calcium content is a bit higher in low fat. 

Between games power eating:

Stick with fresh fruits, and low fat carbohydrates: crackers, sandwich (peanut butter and banana), bagels, and graham crackers with peanut butter or nutella.

If your food is too rich in fat your body will not have the energy it needs to play the next game

Remember: to be a champion you not only have to practice and think like one, but FUEL like one too!!

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